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Re: I did some *real* vttc coiling...

Original poster: Brett Miller <brmtesla2@xxxxxxxxx>

--- Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Original poster: "J. Aaron Holmes"
> <jaholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Thanks for the update, Brett!  Your progress is
> inspiring.  My VTTC parts continue to trickle in.  I
> hope to be wiring something up in the next couple of
> months (am currently between houses right now, so no
> workshop--I'm going bananas!).  I'm banking on a
> mid-March hamfest (Seattle-area) to provide a few
> parts...if I'm lucky, maybe some big mica
> transmitting
> caps!
> Regards,
> Aaron, N7OE


Yeah, I'm hoping for some big micas as well, also a
304tl socket and much more.  It seems like one way or
another, some more vttc interest has been stirred up.
That's just what I was wanting.  I'm basically in
heaven right now.


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