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FW: [TCML] Suggestions for a mini-TC?


This is a follow-up to my suggestion below.  Have a look at Brian Basura's
twin TC at his site:
http://www.brianb.org/images/Tesla/Mini-Twin/mini-twin.htm  You might want
to download his white paper on it.  (The rest of his site is interesting as

Merry Christmas all,
--Steve Y.

-----Original Message-----
From: S&JY [mailto:youngs@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 2:17 PM
To: 'Tesla Coil Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [TCML] Suggestions for a mini-TC?


Consider building a pair of coils configured as a Twin Tesla Coils.  Each
coil acts as a counterpoise to the other, and grounding of the bottoms of
the connected secondaries can be a connection to your power line ground.  As
long as the sparks are between the two secondary toroids, very little
impulse current will flow in your ground connection.  And as a bonus, you
can achieve roughly 1.4 times the spark length for the same power a single
coil would use!  It might take two shoe boxes ...

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