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Re: [TCML] Refurbished Coill

Hi Ruben,
I don't know whereabouts in Australia you are but try RS spares. They have a range of capacitors which are suitable but can be expensive if you need a large number for an MMC. The last time I bought 0.25" copper tubing it cost about $100 for 15 meters. I bought it from refrigeration supplies. The price of copper has gone up a lot. It seems like we pay too much for many things compared to our American friends.
I am in Sydney.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ruben Peters" <ruben.peterstc@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Tesla Coil Mailing List'" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: [TCML] Refurbished Coill

Hey there;

Thanks for the feedback on my proposed coil setup; Im now at the stage of
trying to source materials, and in Australia, Im having difficulties.

Does anyone know of Australian Sources or sources readily available to
Australia for MMC suitable capacitors?

Also, what's the going price for copper tubing for (looking at around
10m/40ft)--I was quoted $10.80 a meter for 1/4 inch, and this seemed pretty
high to me......


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