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Re: [TCML] Form materials, losses, carbon tracking, sealing

It's not the ink but the particles that become embedded within the paper (metallic particles) when it's made. I think Terry Fritz did a study on this to find areas of metal clumps within the cardboard. Obviously, moisture absorption is high so sealing is certainly recommended.

I personally haven't had any noticeable problem with paper concrete forms, but I can understand the apprehension. What I don't like about the forms is end cap mounting. Also, if it falls it's easily damaged (like when your wife opens the garage door and the back of the door hits the top of the coil! Yes, I know, my fault).

Take care,

Dr.Hankenstein wrote:
I'm not so sure if using paper concrete forms is such a bad idea if you take care to make a careful selection and remove the "inked" layer, properly dry and varnish the form. For example, here is a picture of a 12" by 48" coil built by Dr. Spark producing about a 8 foot spark. This coil uses a cement form and has produced arcs in excess or 14 feet with no problem!


Spark on!

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