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[TCML] Making the equivalent of a pole xfmr
[Clive: That could reasonably be expected to kill a person too. 'Man traps' are highly illegal in most civilised places.]
I picked up a book called "Theory, Construction and Design of Small Transformers" at a State Library book sale. It covers the design of transformers to about 10kVA.
Using parts / cores from defunct welders and a dozen pages of calculations, the design and construction of a tranny from scratch is not too hard really.
When I replace my camera, I'll post some pics of a few around the 5kVA mark for around 20kV output.
The Harry Transtrom book "Electricity at High Frequencies and Pressures" also gives a complete formula / guide to the construction of a similar transformer.
Being that I have 52 identical MOT's - I might reconstruct one larger transformer from the parts of a number of them. The 'E' cores separate at the weld quite easily to remove the coils. I built a few 1:1 isolation transformers (using the primaries only) this way.
> Clive Hansen <mrclivehansen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> "If anyone wants to see pictures of NST fried skunks I can send a
> few................"
> I'd be interested in those pics. I've always toyed with the idea of
> using an nst for an electric fence. I've also thought of using an mot to
> keep rabits out of my yard as they destroy the grass.
> -Clive
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