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Re: [TCML] Parallel sparkgaps for lower losses

David N. Van Doren wrote:

I haven't tried this yet but the simulations look very promising. I wanted to open this up for
a friendly discussion on the list.

If we could run two sparkgaps in parallel we could conceivably lower over all sparkgap resistance and losses. But parallel gaps won't sustain them selves, one gap will fire and drop the voltage
across the other to the point that it can't ignite. I have successfully ignited and maintained
multiple parallel gaps (16 in fact) using resistive ballasting by using a resister in series with each gap. However most of the energy was dissipated in the resistors (not good for us).
"In the good old days of spark" it was common practice to make an RSG using very wide strips of metal, mounted perpedicular to the disk, for discharge electrodes. IF they could be aligned well enough they probably cut the spark resistance by increasing the spark area and certainly provided cooling.

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