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Re: [TCML] tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
I have built dozens of primary coils with gap spacing ranging from a quarter
inch to around two inch. Small gauge with close proximity between winds
results in arcing. That was an expensive mistake but one that was worth
making, it told me what I could get away with and what I could not get away
What is the point of everyone making the same mistake?
On Dec 3, 2007 12:13 PM, <Mddeming@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Jared,
> Comments interspersed below:
> In a message dated 12/3/07 8:47:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> jdwarshuis@xxxxxxxxx writes:
> You can use a heavy wire and it will handle the current. However wires
> have
> a small radius and like to arc between winds. So you can use wire but it
> becomes rather risky.
> 1) When you remove the entire previous email, no one knows what you are
> referring to.
> You may not like empirical advice, but it is the best advice that you are
> going to get.
> 2) Empirical Evidence is always appreciated, Imperious Advice, not so
> much
> so.
> 3) The quality of advice is usually determined by the recipients, not
> the
> donor.
> Perhaps in time after making expensive mistakes you will see
> the value of it.
> 4) Perhaps, in time, after making many mistakes, you will see the value
> of a
> less arrogant approach, and a SOUND theoretical background.
> Jared Dwarshuis
> Matt D.
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