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RE: tesla coil operation illustration (fwd)
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Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:05:34 -0400
From: Scott Bogard <teslas-intern@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: tesla coil operation illustration (fwd)
When trying to explain TC operation to normal people, emphasize
resonance. The explanation I like to use is this, picture a piece of metal,
like a tuning fork or a wind chime. When you strike it it makes a tone,
this tone is it's resonant frequency. This is an example of mechanical
resonance, the same thing applies in the electrical universe. Size,
dimensions, and material determine mechanical resonance, whereas
capacitance, inductance, and to a small extent resistance determine
electrical resonance. When a spark gap fires, it creates many frequencies,
only the resonant frequency persists, in the tank circuit, after the first
few nano-seconds (like smashing a support beam with a hammer, it makes a
loud dissonant sound, which fades to a single tone determined by the
dimensions of the metal piece (this fading is because of the energy getting
absorbed into the metal as heat, and getting dissipated to the environment
as sound)). In a similar manner, in a resonant system the electrical energy
is quickly transferred back and forth between a capacitor and inductor, and
energy is bled off in the form of heat from DC resistance, and in the form
of arcs. The Tesla coil is a double resonant system, the tank circuit is
resonant to a frequency X determined by the values of the tank capacitor and
"inductor" primary coil (it is also affected by the transformer, ballast,
chokes etc, but the common onlooker will just be confused by all of this),
and the secondary is tuned to the same frequency X of the tank circuit
(using the inductance of the secondary coil, and the capacitance of the top
load). In a resonant system there is a huge voltage gain because of the
frequency change, so the tank system steps up the transformers output
voltage, which resonates the secondary, and creates an oober bigger step up
than from the directly induced voltage based on turns ratio. As far as
quenching, coupling, notches etc, you don't want to get into that too much
with a layperson, as they will find it difficult to follow, but for your own
information, I seriously suggest you check out Richie Burnett's website, it
has everything you will need to know.
I hope this helps.
Scott Bogard.
>From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: tesla coil operation illustration (fwd)
>Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 07:42:45 -0600 (MDT)
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>Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 19:35:47 -0500
>From: Jim <branley1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: tesla-request@xxxxxxxxxx, Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: tesla coil operation illustration
>Hi Folks:
>You helped me build my 9kv, 60ma tesla coil this past spring. Thanks for
>the help it is alot of fun. I was wondering if any body has an
>illustration of what is going on when a tesla coil is in operation. I
>try to explain the operation to people and do not know how accurate I
>am. There is alot of things going on at the same time. It would be nice
>to understand this process more.
>Sometimes my explanation is something like this "Imagine a large
>tub of water being tapped on the side of the tub with a hammer. Picture
>the waves being made. The water waves in the tub will be more frequent
>because you are tapping on the tub faster than they can dissipate. Some
>waves will eventually coincide with each other and when they do they
>will become larger." Is this a semi-accurate picture? How would you
>suggest I elaborate on this picture?
>Thanks for all of the great help!
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