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RE: Why am I getting small sparks? Am I underpowered? (fwd)
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Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 19:09:17 -0400
From: Rich Winders <rwinders_3@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Why am I getting small sparks? Am I underpowered? (fwd)
ok so basically every one that has replyed to you is right. when you open
your spark gap more you then let more of charge build up in your tank
cap before the charge can discharge across the spark gap. but since your
using salt water beer capacitors. your are not able to efficently charge
to a high enough level to spark across a bigger spark gap due to corna
brake down in the bottle. aka ... you either need more beer caps
to evenely spread out the higher charge, or maybe a proper cap from ebay
or an MMC... but if u wanted to use the same kinda maybe try using wine
bottles if you got them or look into using other matterials or methods.
good luck.. be carful dont let the caps discharge to much in the bottle
thats how i blew my first NST
Rich w
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Why am I getting small sparks? Am I
underpowered? (fwd)
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 16:34:27 -0600 (MDT)
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 22:28:37 +0000
>From: Trevor Keast <trevor_keast@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: Why am I getting small sparks? Am I
underpowered? (fwd)
>Thanks for the comments. I am currently using two threaded
rods as the
>spark gap. I have no fan or anything like that at
present. I did make a
>quite elaborate multi gap spark gap out of about 7 short
lengths of copper
>pipe. Strangly enough, when i use this spark gap I get no
sparks from the
>top load whatsoever and the sparks going across this spark
gap seem quite
>tame in comparison to the single spark gap.
>If I open up the single spark gap too much it start setting
of some rather
>alarming pops and banks in my beer bottle capacitor bucket
and I have no
>idea what that is happening!! It scares me.
> > Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 16:04:57 -0600> From:
tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Why am I
getting small sparks? Am I underpowered? (fwd)> > >
---------- Forwarded message ----------> Date: Fri, 10 Aug
2007 16:53:21 -0400> From: Rich Winders
<rwinders_3@xxxxxxxxxxx>> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re:
Why am I getting small sparks? Am I underpowered? (fwd)> > >
i had the exact same problem as you did with spark length..
and what i> did i was exactly as chiris said .. try varying
the distance between the> electrodes.. this will send a
diffrent amount of charge to your tank> capacitor but if you
change that value enough your also going to through> of your
tuning so good luck! ... what kind of arrangement are you
using?> Eg nuts and bolts ... or copper pipes or are you
using roatating spark> gap?> >_______________________________________________________________________________
> > From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>> To:
tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Why am I getting small sparks?
Am I> underpowered? (fwd)> Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 13:54:37
-0600 (MDT)> >> >---------- Forwarded message ---------->
>Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 15:48:34 -0400> >From: Crispy
<crispy@xxxxxxxxxxx>> >To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>>
>Subject: Re: Why am I getting small sparks? Am I>
underpowered? (fwd)> >> >What are the details on your spark
gap? I made a similar> coil, and had> >a similar problem.
When I changed the fan to quench the> spark gap to a> >more
powerful one, spark length improved from around 6" to> around
4' .> >> >Chris> >> >On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 12:54 -0600, Tesla
list wrote:> > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------> > >
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 18:38:35 +0000> > > From: Trevor Keast
<trevor_keast@xxxxxxxxxxx>> > > To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> > >
Subject: Why am I getting small sparks? Am I> underpowered?>
> >> > > Hi Guys,> > >> > > I managed to reach 'first light'
with my coil last night> however I was unable to get the
spark length that I was> hoping for and feel I may be
underpowered.> > >> > > A basic overview of my coil is as
follows:> > >> > > 6 inch secondary diameter> > > 24 inch
secondary length> > > approx 900 windings on secondary (24
AWG magnet wire)> > > 13 Turns on primary made from 1/4
copper tube> > > static spark gap> > > beer bottle cap (14
bottles)> > > 15,000V 30mA NST> > > 4 inch dryer tube toroid
(approx 12in diameter)> > >> > > I tuned it as best I could
but was unable to get sparks> bigger than about 6 inches.
They were also quite dim and> could hardly be seen unless in
the dark.> > >> > > I am wondering if I am underpowered? How
can I improve> spark length?> > >> > > I greatly appreciate
any advice or comments.> > >> > > Regards,> > >> > > Trevor.>
> >>
> > Feel like a local wherever you go with BackOfMyHand.com>
> > http://www.backofmyhand.com> > >> > >> >> >> >> > >_______________________________________________________________________________
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