From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: spark gap construction
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 23:17:13 -0600
Original poster: "resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
The high temps in the spark channel, usually over 5000-7000 degrees
F. will quickly allow the magnets to de-polarize and loose their magnetism.
You can quickly remove the magnetism from a magnet by heating it.
Not work the hassle, and as Gary indicated, no gain.
Dr. Resonance
While you'll find the topic quite often in the archives, I can't recall
a single instance of someone actually having built a magnetically
quenched gap, AND having demonstrated that the presence of the magnets
offered any benefit. Usually such threads dwelled only on where to buy
very strong magnets.
Gary Lau
> Hi Matt,
> Yes it has been done. Check the archives for magnetic quenching - you
> will find quite a bit of info.
> Matt D.
> Has anyone ever used electromagnets on the spark gap in order to
> remove the spark? Logically, if the discharging spark gap creates a
> plasma, and a plasma are charged particles in motion, shouldn't the
> magnetic fields of nearby electromagnets have an effect? The idea
> comes from a book on Tesla that had one of his presentations in it.
> Tesla mentions that he had two electromagnets arranged closely and
> perpendicular to the spark gap.
> Thanks,
> Matthew Boddicker