Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hi Jim,Yes, the Terry TC Tuner is a very cool tool. I built one when Terry first wrote it up. It works very well and has come in handy at times when I don't have the motivation to pull out the scope, generator, cables, antenna array, etc..
If using on larger coils where the frequency is low, simply change the cap value to suit (if I were to do it again, I would switch in a few different values with a simple dip switch). I also replaced the potentiometer with a multiturn pot which really helps with precision.
It's also very easy to get the actual numerical frequency. Simply hook it up to say your secondary, dial in the pot, unhook it, walk over to the work bench and measure across the tuner outputs with a frequency meter. Works very well and has matched my scope verification every time. The fact is, our eyes are well adapted to distinguishing light intensity. Thus, as you turn the potentiometer, the bi-directional LED will hit f1 and with a multiturn pot, you can dial determine resonance very precisely.
Take care, Bart Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: Slurp812 <slurp812@xxxxxxxxx> try this... http://hot-streamer.com/TeslaCoils/Misc/TCT/TCT.htm I've built one, but my coil isn't done. However I connected it to my secondary, which is done, and it did have a nice narrow sweet spot. It seems to work great so far. Thanks Terry! On 4/10/07, Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Original poster: Jim <branley1@xxxxxxxxxxx> Hi Folks: My tesla coil is getting close to completion thanks to all of the help received from you. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to tune a 9kv, 60ma tesla coil without the aid of a variac? Also, my spark gap is mounted vertically " I I I I I I ". Is this an adequate design? Thanks for the great help! Jim