Gerry, Yes, actually that was a simplified diagram. I do indeed rectify and filter the output of my 2 "piggybacked" MOTs for about 4000 VAC through 5 paralleled 2200 VAC, .9 uFD MOT caps and a large HV "hockey puck" style diode from a large x-ray transformer. Since the hockey puck diodes were originally stacked as sets of 4 for a 150 kV rating, I'm assuming each one of the pucks to be good for about 37.5 kV PIV. Don't think I will be overtaxing their volt- age capabilities ;^) David
David, Since you're rectifying and filtering the MOT output, it seems to me that you have a 4000 VDC power supply not AC. A DC vttc tends to draw a lot of power but produces quiet, short, torch-like sparks without staccato. Am I missing something? Are you maybe using a level- shifted AC power supply? In any case if you are using a DC HV supply, then a typical staccato controller which uses an SCR to lift the filament from ground won't work. A high powered transistor instead of the SCR would be needed. I realize you're not using the staccato right now.John