Original poster: MAJESTIC_au <forums@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: William Beaty <billb@xxxxxxxxxx> Wow. Below are some 1899 article illustrations, some of which depict the ion-path "virtual antennas" created by Tesla's x-ray beam devices: Nikola Tesla holding in his hands balls of flame http://homepage.ntlworld.com/forgottenfutures/tesla/tesla_2.gif Tesla's propsed arrangement of balloon stations for transmitting electricity without wires http://homepage.ntlworld.com/forgottenfutures/tesla/tesla_1.gif All illustrations http://homepage.ntlworld.com/forgottenfutures/tesla/tesla_nx.htm Article: The New Wizard of the West, May 1899 C. McGovern http://homepage.ntlworld.com/forgottenfutures/tesla/tesla.htm
I wonder if the drawing of the "balls of flame" was done live from an actual demo, or from a verbal description given to the artist? The equipment in the backgrounds of these illustrations looks like it was drawn from life. Most probably these are carbon-button lamps run via e-field coupling, and not "BL."
Great article & pics! Thanks for posting.