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RE: 10kva pole pig needed with 29kv primary

Original poster: "Jim Mora" <jmora@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Nice debate!

OK, so when you hook two pigs to a power source they draw twice as much
current, yes? If you series the output does this subtract from the power
drawn and delivered? Not that I can get my head around.

Jim Mora

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 6:43 AM
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: 10kva pole pig needed with 29kv primary

Original poster: BunnyKiller <bunnikillr@xxxxxxx>

Hey Phil...

you are much better at explaning this type of stuff than I ...  but I
did try :)
maybe I should have used the word watts or amps or something...  instead of

and for using KV ( which can be misread as KVA ) I believe I will
start using 30,000 V as a descriptive factor to keep the confusion
level to a minimum.
according to the voltmeter I placed on the pig, it was reading a bit
over 30,000 V. I also tested the output of the variacs which showed
an output voltage of 281 V.
The rough calculations I did show this is pretty close to correct as
far as input voltage and output voltage on my system.

Scot D

> >and for those new to the list..
> >the reason Im getting 30+KV out of this setup is because I have the
> >variacs wired for 280 vac total output, which gives the piggie that
> >extra boost...
>     Sorry to pick on you, but I still don't see how that gets you
> 30 kVA from two 10 kVA pigs, unless you are putting the 280 Volts
> into pig primary windings rated at 193 Volts or less. Or you have
> such a large TC primary capacitor at such high BPS that you're
> loading down the pigs. Anyhow, I guess for pigs it's just a matter
> of ballasting to suck twice the kVA out of them.
>-Phil LaBudde