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Re: TMSC 2006 Demonstrations

Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: "Gary Peterson" <mailto:g.peterson@xxxxxxxxxxxx><g.peterson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

We used a hoop receiver with an NE2 across the spark gap to demonstrate the reception of electrical energy propagated by means of electromagnetic radiation. Being a Hertz type transmitter, the average RF power must have been in the milliwatts.
What frequency? I've done experiments at around 300 MHz using a "1/2" spark coil" with plates on end, wire length cut to desired wavelength and with ball gap in the center. Fairly easy to demonstrate interference, reflection, and polarization a la Hertz. Fun experiment to do and very simple apparatus which doesn't take much time to built. A crystal detector and a folded dipole is more sensitive than the NE2 and better when working with weaker signals.
A diminutive incandescent lamp was connected to the secondary of a Tesla receiving transformer to demonstrate the reception of electrical energy propagated by conduction between the two ground terminals and displacement current between the two elevated terminals. No new physics are needed to explain how this works.
    Tell that to the "Tesla world power system" fanatics!
The TC RF transmitter was not properly tuned up because I ran out of time. The power supply was two 6V lantern batteries connected in series; the current was not measured. The operating frequency of the Wardenclyffe transmitter model is somewhere around 218 kHz.

I assume by "usual RF" you mean electromagnetic radiation in distinction from RF currents flowing through a transmission line. As for demonstrating that the transmission of electrical energy between 1) a radio transmitter and receiver, and 2) a Tesla coil RF transmitter and Tesla receiving transformer is by two distinctly different means, this should be easily done, either mathematically or through experiment. Why don't Ed, Matt and you all try it?
I'm not enough of a mathematician to calculate the capacitive coupling but sure some others here are. With that in hand it's easy enough to calculate the capacitive coupling between two tuned circuits. Of course, mathematical "demonstrations" don't satisfy World Power fans because they are "conventional, closed-minded" calculations.
      There is no question that RF can illuminate lamps
      at modest distances.  Can be done next to any
      transmitter, the higher power the better.

      It is a deal more difficult to demonstrate, and may be
      impossible, that any given demo is some
      'special Tesla effect' distinct from usual RF.

Easy enough. All you have to do to validate the "special Tesla effect" is transmit a watt of power a mile with 90% efficiency. Fanatics expect 99% but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Ed (or at least one of them)