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Re: Whats a good free web page

Original poster: Callum Brieske <callum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

If you want I can give you some space on my server, And I know where you can get a free domain too.

-Callum Brieske

Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: Ronald Fleshman <ronfleshman@xxxxxxxxx>

Yahoo offers a good free web page if you don't mind some adds. Go to www.yahoo.com then click on the link for geocities. Their page builder is easy to use and you don't need to know html or other programing.
Ron Fleshman

Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Original poster: Gomez Addams

On Nov 20, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Tesla list wrote:

>Original poster: russell dischar
>I want to start a site where i can share all my miraculas(ha-ha)
>discoveries with the public. Can any of yall recommend a good host
>im looking for alot of space and easy designing?

If you just want to share photos with a few comments added, and you
don't need a full custom web site of your own, you could just get a
free Flickr account:


But keep in mind that Flickr only keeps the 200 most recent photos
you post. If you never go above that, no problem!

Whatever you do, don't use Geocities, Angelfire, or Tripod. They
have TERRIBLE reputations.

Among the "Free" services, I've heard good things about WebJump:

How close to "free" does it have to be? Can you afford say, $35 a
year? There are some sites that offer a lot of free web services if
you register your domain with them, such as: http://www.mister.net/
That one has no banner advertising or pop-ups.

In my experience, you get what you pay for, and services that seem to
cost nothing are often worth exactly that.

- B(G)L

"The only thing necessary for the triumph
of evil is for good men to do nothing"
- Edmund Burke