Original poster: "Peter Terren" <pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>Interesting concept and I imagine, a necessary device for your smaller fixed inductance coils. I doubt that plastic sheets/foil will last long for a larger coil compared to an MMC though. I am also not sure how your setup will go under oil as you would need a vertical setup to get bubbles out.
Last week, for my entry in the "Tesla coil using parts from a single microwave oven prize" I was using a rolled cap with variable pressure on the roll giving a cap range of about 3 times for tuning. This is a low powered coil however with the limitation from the parts available. I haven't posted the cap pics yet but here is the prize thread.
http://4hv.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15477.0 Peter
Original poster: "Jeff Behary" <jeff_behary@xxxxxxxxxxx> Hello All,I've developed a special adjustable capacitor for tuning Tesla Coils. I've tested and used it for 2 years, and was going to patent the idea but honestly can't afford to. So here it goes, an adjustable capacitor rated from .001 mfd to 1 mfd in .001 mfd increments...it can tune any Tesla Coil exactly and can be easily built by all by off-the-shelf materials. Best of all there are no moving parts...its all done mathematically - and using simple math no less!http://www.electrotherapymuseum.com/2006/FloorModelPancake/AdjCap.htm Jeff Behary, c/o The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum http://www.electrotherapymuseum.com