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Re: Static Gap Break Rates
Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Ed,
Try setting the peak voltage near the breakdown voltage of the
gap and playing with the capacitance. You can get conditions where
a spark only occurs after several cycles elapse, a condition I've
seen with a "real coil". The real coil has variable leakage
reactance which I don't know how to simulate.
I've done that both in simulations and for real. The waveforms looks
the same. One problem is how we define the peak waveform. We can
define it as Vs_oc_peak (the peak no load voltage of the secondary),
the peak of the steadystate response (with no SG firing), or as the
maximum peak voltage including both the steadystate and transient
responses. If using a 15KV NST, the first definition will result in
~21.2KV peak (assuming 120Vac input). For the second definition,
it is very possible to have a Cp/Cres value where the steadystate
response will be higher than Vs_oc (not even counting on transients
caused by the SG) and could take several cycles to "ring up" to this
voltage. Some may call this resonant rise.
You can calculate the steadystate voltage on the cap by figuring the
series RLC circuit values. Measure Rp and Rs and calculate the
turns ratio N and R will be Rs + Rp*N^2. L can be calculated from
the commonly used xformer impedance equation (Z = Vs_oc/Is_sc), given
the line frequency and R, by figuring the XL first from vector math
and then calculate L. You can simplify things by neglecting R and
assuming that all of Z is due to XL. For the NST's Ive measured, this
is 99% accurate. C will, of course, be the Cp in the TC
primary. Once you do this, the steadystate response will be:
Vss = Vs_oc * (1/LC) / sqrt [(1/LC -w^2)^2 +
(wR/L)^2] where w =2*pi*line_frequency
It could take many cycles to get to maximum voltage when close to
resonance and, if your SG is set this wide, it will take many cycles
for it to fire. How many cycles, I think, depends on the Q of the
circuit and where Cp is in relation to Cres. I dont know how the
variable leakace reactance affects this as I havent explored this
realm. The simulation models do have saturable transformers
available and I suspose one could experiment.
Something else I've seen in a simulation which I think is impossible
is the sparks occurring on only on one half of the cycles, a
condition which would result in DC flowing in the transformer.
I have even seen a whole burst of firings where it only fired on the
one half (both for real and in simulations). Actually, I've seen it
for real even before I ever did any simulations and was wondering how
that was possible. In simulations, the one sided firings lasted for
a while followed by opposite side firings then something else
happened. I think it all depends on how the natural and forced
frequencies beat with each other. It can look like DC for the window
that the behavior is occuring in but I believe like you do, if one
waits long enough, the opposite firing will occur and the net DC will
be zero. Without a digital scope, my observations were limited and
excluded the bigger picture.
Take care,
Gerry R