So I've got a function generator and a scope and I'm trying to build my
primary to match my secondary. The frequency I'm shooting for (as
measured with scope and gen on the secondary) is about 340 - 350 KHz.
So I've got my primary lying on the ground tapped about 2 turns in, and
when I use a small ceramic disk capacitor of value (measured with a
capacitance meter) 5 nanofarads I see the tank ringing at about 340 KHz
but when I substitute my homemade cap (also measured to be about 5
nanofarads) it rings at about 670 KHz. I measured both caps with the
same meter so I'm thinking this must be a secondary harmonic I'm seeing
but I don't see the tank ring at 340 KHz when I turn the gen down like
it should. Does anyone know whats up wit dat? Is there any reason why I
wouldn't see the fundamental and only the harmonics with a HV cap?