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RE: Mercury - topic drift

Original poster: "Dave Halliday" <dh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Actually, what you are probably seeing is water vapor and not Mercury.
(And yes, I know about the PDF file that touts the absorption spectrum
of water and claims that it is practically transparent at 254nm -- they
cherry picked the chart in that PDF.)

A properly made amalgam has no "free" Mercury. Another amalgam in common
use is Concrete.  One of the ingredients (slaked Lime) is horribly
caustic and will cause skin damage if not washed off completely.

People are using Concrete for kitchen countertops and eating off it.
Kids play on it outside.  You simply do not hear about skin irritation
with concrete. Concrete contains a toxic component but a properly made
amalgam will bind all ingredients together permanently.

Unfortunately, there is a very broad "grey zone" in health-care where
unsubstantiated claims can be made without fear of the FDA knocking on
your door.  The wonderful people at The International Academy of Oral
Medicine & Toxicology fit solidly into that grey zone.

We now return to the Topic...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 10:47 PM
> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Mercury
> Original poster: "Mike" <induction@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> HI,
>        Most of us have at some point played with Mercury.
> Often, we heated things with Mercury in or on them.
> Most of us tend to have an interest in science and more,
> if somebody said " That wooden stick there has 50 volts across the
> ends", we would say "Let's read it with a meter to prove this".
> This Mercury thing we all hear about, is it so bad? How about if
> somebody said "There are Mercury fumes" but you can not see them.
> How about a Mercury meter, as it were.
> Take a UV light shining on a flourescent screen, we know it glows.
> We know Mercury has strong lines in the UV region and that any Mercury
> vapor will make a shadow on the screen because it takes in the UV.
> To see an interesting demonstration of this in video form (with audio)
> visit  http://www.iaomt.org/merc_release.swf
> Where a tooth, 25 years old with a silver amalgam filling was used,
> is exposed to body temperature, yes, see the fumes. 110 degree F
> as in hot coffee, the thing looks like the smoke stack of a
> local power
> plant.
> If you figure the number of list members, times the filled
> teeth and add
> hobby or work Mercury, which does not go away without detox, it
> is an important issue. A look at the video and understanding how the
> fumes show on the screen is a valid science based reading, even just
> having a warm drink.
> So extra care should be used with outside Mercury switches, etc.
> Maybe Tesla had a lot of dental work done, too?
> Mike
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 6:33 PM
> Subject: Re: Mercury
> >Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Hi,
> >I looked around on the web and there is a lot of "goofy" information
> >about mercury poisoning.  Problem is, most of the "mad as a hatter"
> >type symptoms, along with the lesser ones, have other pretty drastic
> >symptoms too that Tesla did not seem to have a problem with.  Many
> >of them would also be typical of someone who was 80 years old...
> >We don't have any accounts of him pouring boiling mercury all day
> >and then going crazy with bleeding gums, blisters, and hair falling
> >out for the next few weeks...  All we have is that he was sort of
> >strange, and apparently more so in old age...  But, many genius type
> >people as well as sub genius people are like that too...
> >Of course, he certainly had the opportunity and means to become
> >poisoned, but not much evidence at all that he did, or it affected
> >his behavior.
> >Tesla's behavior was "different" since he was a child, long before
> >he was playing with mercury and x-rays.  He no doubt came into
> >contact with many other toxics too (ozone %:-))...  But there is no
> >way to know for sure judging from reports of his odd moments (0.01%
> >of the time) what if any these chemicals might have caused.
> >There is only one chance to know for sure.  The Tesla museum has a
> >lock of his hair...  I guess a strand or two could be analyzed to
> >see if it contains any odd substances in significant quantity.  But
> >mercury would have probably left his body by old age so it might not
> >show anyway.  He was cremated so little hope there...  Some of his
> >equipment is still around that could be tested for chemical
> >contamination too.  But I think we will all be old and crazy before
> >any of that happens ;-))
> >He also suffered sever illness as a child...
> >I think we are going to have to accept the fact we will never know
> >if Tesla was poisoned by any of his work.  I guess he must have been
> >a tiny bit in any case, but the real affects can never be known
> >now.  It is probably simply a case of this very smart man being
> >simply "a little different".
> >This subject came up to 2002 also and Dr. Wall (stork) did not think
> >he had any of the symptoms.
> >Cheers,
> >         Terry