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RE: JAVATC vs WinTesla
Original poster: "Derek Woodroffe" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I use both JavaTc and Wintesla, out of the two JavaTc is MUCH more
accurate, but I fins Wintesla so much easier and quicker to use. So I do my
rough designs with Wintesla and get ball-park figures then use Wintesla for
more accurate information.
Saying that I haven't had such a large discrepancy as you describe,
usually both programs agree to around a couple of percent.
Which values were so far out ?
> Original poster: Gregory Morris <gbmorris@xxxxxxxxx> > > Hi, well I've
been attempting to design a new coil > and was doing > rather well, or so
I thought, as I checked my values > with JAVATC >
> until I tried
> WinTesla
> <http://www.hot-streamer.com/rscopper/dload5.html>,
> which
> gave me rather significant discrepancy (As much a > 20-30% difference >
on some values). My thought was that JAVATC seems to > be newer and has >
a higher awareness rate among coilers, therefore it > would be more >
reputable, but do any of you have suggestions or > comments on this >
phenomenon? I have tried re-entering values multiple > times and I > still
get the same results.
> Thanks,
> Greg