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Re: Tesla Related Article

Original poster: Gomez Addams <gomezaddams@xxxxxxxxx>

On Jun 21, 2006, at 5:16 PM, Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: Ben McMillen <spoonman534@xxxxxxxxx>

Hi All,
   I noticed this article in the paper today..


Seemed a rather fitting article for Tesla..
I'm delighted to see Mr. Wagner's efforts (to put busts of Tesla in
schools all around the nation) succeeding.  But I have to say, that
guy was a real jerk to me the one and only time I tried to correspond
with him.

I wrote him to:

A) thank him for the efforts that he and his student were making to
get Tesla the recognition he deserves,


B) to point out one small factual error he made on his web site
concerning Edison.  I believe my message was thoughtfully worded and
quite respectful in tone.

The red-hot flaming email I received back from him, full of vitriol
about my "misguided hero worship" seemed to me like the rantings of a
senile mind, or possibly untreated high blood pressure.  It was right
out of left field.

I worry that a man like that is allowed to teach young minds.  He
seemed to be quite off his rocker, frankly.  But at least he is doing
some good, despite all that.

  - Bill "Gomez" Lemieux
