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Re: Coil slowly getting weaker

Original poster: "Peter Terren" <pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

How do you 'know' that your MMC is OK. It might be full of holes like swiss cheese and still be 'OK' but impaired in terms of capacitance and other variables resulting in reduced TC performance. It might be hard to test however. MMC's are generally thought to be bullet proof and can tolerate many punch throughs but they may not last forever. Other causes are shorted secondary turns and arcing inside the secondary. I doubt that clean or dirty gaps make a difference provided the gap is the same. The oxides don't really build up on the arcing surface, but adjacent to it.


> >> > Original poster: "JT Bowles" <jasotb@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >> > I have ran my coil randomly for 7 months now. This last 2 weeks, it
> >> > has not been able to produce as long of sparks. they once were 16",
> >> > now down to an average of 13". I swear, it is simply dying slowly
> >> > *Any idea as to which component may be failing?
> >> > Im sure its not my MMC.
> >> > Could it be my secondary?
> >> > Or my NST(but dont NST's die instantly?)