I measured the primary current of a small 120 VAC MOT. To my surprise the
primary current was 10 Amps with the secondary open! The MOT is about 4" x 3"
x 3" and came from a 1000 Watt oven. Is the MOT bad, or do these transformers
just have a low primary inductance? The primary wire is aluminum and the
secondary voltage was measured by me at about 1800 Volts. Also, I also
measured a much larger transformer from (I think) an older oven with a copper
primary and it drew 6 Amps. The small transformer was very beat up and it is
possible that there is a short in the primary. If you guys out there think
that the primary must be shorted then I will rewind it, but if the transformer
is acting normally then rewinding it will not reduce the current.