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ScanTesla V7.61
Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
There is a new version of ScanTesla!! Hahaha!! There is like a new
version "every day" :O)) "Fresh software"... Remember when web
browsers turned every few days ;-))
But this one has my new full streamer model in it. Based on a lot of
simulation and measurements.
Cload = (X - D) / 6 x 10^-12 Farads. If < 0, then it "is" 0.0
X is the streamer length. D is the terminal or toroid cord diameter.
So if you have a 60 inch streamer off an 8 inch cord diameter toroid,
the streamer capacitance is:
Cload = (60 - 8) / 6 = 8.67pF
Sounds real simple, but it is amazingly close ;-)) A little heavier
load apparently. But much lighter for short streamers... Zero for
non-breakout. The "program" still loads it as a plasma near the
toroid until the streamer coalesces.
Streamers are about 2pF/foot away from the terminal, but are shrouded
by the terminal up close, so the line gets shifted depending on the
terminal cord diameter. The real slope is like 1.98pF/foot but
calling it 2.00000pF / foot is "just fine" ;-)))
Rload maintains at 220,000 ohms "period"... Freau number at the raw
terminal power level is "2.62"... That has been bouncing a bit from
2.6 to 2.8... But 2.62 seems to work best with this model at this moment.
Bigger toroids are better. More BPS does not tend to make longer
arcs as easily even though they "burn" more power... More to study,
but that model does begin to match observations much better
;-)) Basically, high BPS does not make higher terminal voltage. The
program "likes" higher terminal voltage for longer arcs. There is
probably a "streamer length / streamer power" quality factor in there
somewhere. Like a "brightness".
If Cload is less than zero, then there is no breakout. Basically, it
is really hard to breakout a streamer smaller than the terminal
diameter. You ""might"" be able to get an 11 inch streamer off a
"smooth" 12 inch terminal, but will just say it is 12 inches anyway ;-))
Some "way too big of file" notes are here:
The C code looks like this now. See the program in the ZIP file
(scantesla761.c Open in any text editor. Should import to any
version of C) for all the gory details if you care :
LeaderLength = 2.62 * sqrt(Eload * BPS); //This is the John Freau
equation based on actual streamer power.
if (LeaderLength > StrikeDistance) LeaderLength = StrikeDistance;
if (T1 != T1_start && C3_inc1 < 0.0) //Do this if active streamer
modeling is enabled and the model has run once.
LengthTemp = 2.62 * sqrt(0.5 * VCsec_max * VCsec_max * (C2 + C3) *
BPS); //Secondary energy length factor.
C3 = (LengthTemp - TerminalDiameter) / 6 * 1.0e-12; //Streamer
capacitive load.
if (C3 < 0.0) C3 = 0.0;
DRSSTC feedback is by primary current. I never added a secondary
voltage feedback option for those antenna folks... But so many are
using primary feedback.... A not too hard fix if really
needed... You just trigger on a different state variable... Note
that the program can scan DRSSTC dwell time for the best streamer
within primary current and total coil power limits for the "best"
sparks without blowing the crap out of everything ;-))
The input file format changed slightly again... Sorry about
that... But Breakout Voltage is now Terminal Diameter.
Put in "-1" for Goal Type to make it run a whole lot faster. - For dest :-))
Let me know if there are screw ups... But I think this program is
really starting to come all together now :-)))) It is still real
messy for non-programmers and stuff... Sorry...
Feel free to copy, steal, and plagiarize this fully Public Domain
program at your pleasure ;-)) If you make a better one, send us a
copy too :-)))