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Best Maxwell caps?
Original poster: "Bill Wilson" <wtw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dr. Resonance can you please tell us the proper maxwell to use? Thank
you for you time.
> Proper Maxwells nearly never fail. I only had one Maxwell fail in
> twenty five years I that was because I over-volted it.
> I did say the "proper Maxwell". The .03 units everyone is getting
> off the internet has two problems. First, you have absolutely no
> idea how many cycles is has seen prior to your operating it. Second,
> these were only designed for a few pulses per second and no where
> near the 400 pps you were operating at.
> The correct Maxwell, operating in it's normal range, designed for
> 100% voltage reversal, will not fail. We have them running in
> museums all over the world literally doing shows every hour on the
> hour 24/7 with no failures in over 35 years of operating.
> The main problem with your .03 uF Maxwell is that is was not designed
> to operate anywhere near the pulse range you were running it at.
> Dr. Resonance