At 09:30 AM 1/30/2006, Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
We need to figure how to contact the discovery channel (or history
channel) and get them to do a show. Maybe a show on the history of
Tesla coils and Tesla himself ending with Bill's coil demo. I bet
we could do a story board for them as an example. Get them to look
at to perk some interest.
Gerry R
It's a bit more complex than that. Discovery channel doesn't
directly decide to produce a particular show. You get a producer to
develop a show concept including a budget. Then, they go and sell
that to Discovery channel (and others) to get funding. You need to
have a good reason why they should fund it: Does it have an
attractive demographic that will attract ad dollars? Are there high
sales potentials for DVDs of the show? Can it be sold into foreign
markets effectively?
Discovery HAS funded several shows which subsequently hired Jeff
Parisse and kVA to run tesla coils.
A show about Tesla isn't likely to attract significant ad dollars,
unless, perhaps, you tied it into supernatural stuff, ET visitors, etc.
You're more likely to go to the producer of a show like "extreme
machines" or the "myth busters" and pitch your idea to them. But
again, you've got to figure out why running the 13M will sell
whatever it is they sell.
Plenty of potential producers are out there that are aware of the 13M, etc..