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Re: MMC bleed resistors

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Leo,

Both will work, but having the sparkgap across the NST and the Cp in series with the TC primary is less stressful on the NST. Most in this group, I believe, will recommend this configuration.
Gerry R.

Original poster: "Hajdrowski, Leo T." <leo.hajdrowski@xxxxxxx>


I just started building a coil with my son and have looked at dozens of
schematics.  Half of them have the main capacitor in parallel with the
primary coil while the other half have it in series!  Also, half the
schematics show the spark gap between the output of the NST and the
capacitor, while the other half show it between the capacitor and the
tesla coil primary!  Does it make a difference?  Which one is correct?
