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Re[2]: SI units..

Original poster: Illicium Verum <sebas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello Steve,

I think metric is a lot better.

With the metric system you can immediately see which of two values is greater. While you can readily see that for example 0.33 Dollars is greater than 0.31 Dollars, you have to twist your brain to figure out that 1/3 (= 0.33) inch is greater than 5/16 (= 0.31) inches. Or, take three imperial drill bits: the 5/32, the 1/8 and the 9/64 - and take the equivalent metric drill bits: the 4.0, the 3.0 and the 3.5 - wouldn't you agree that the metric specification makes the drill sizes clear and evident, letting you readily see not only which one's the biggest or the smallest, but also by how much each drill is bigger than the other - while with the English specification you have to tie a knot into your brain to figure out not only which one's the biggest, but let alone imagining the sizes of the drills?