From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Capacitance HELP
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 22:10:43 -0700
Original poster: Allan & Sandra <allan_sandra@xxxxxxxxx>
HI List
Al Scott
Ok Here goes
UF - what does the u stand for if the f stands for Farads
i know there is nanofarads =NF
Picofarads = PF
When you use the capacitance formula for a plate
type cap your answer is in Picofarads,
now if i wanted to make a cap with a value of
30NF my problem is i would like to know what
all of the different units are -
UF,PF,NF,MF,F,MFD, ect.and in what order and where they are
before and after the decimal point.
How many PF's are in a UF or NF
which one of these is closest to the right of
the decimal point and what ones are the farthest
and what ones are in between and in what order and what ones did i mis if any.
Like a metric ruler you have MM CM ect. right
up to Km or what ever is before MM
I have always hated metric
Thanks in Advance