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Re: DC power again

Original poster: tesla popp <teslas_lab@xxxxxxxxx>

No, you want to have a rep rate that is high enough
for the air to remain ionized.  I've had the longest
streamers "GROW" to their length, not just a one shot
thing.  The minimum rep rate depends on how powerful
the spark is, (ie: how much air it ionized over its
life cycle) That's why powerful natural lightning will
sometimes follow the same path more than once, even at
~less than 5-15 Hz.

Keep this in mind when determining your coils

Coiler Forever: Jeremiah Popp

--- Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Original poster: norman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> If a DC power source is used to power a Tesla coil
> the firing rate of the
> spark gap will depend on the charging time of the
> cap, rather than be nested
> around the line frequency.  Thus, when a DC source
> is used, the size of the cap
> can be traded off against the number of sparks per
> second . (I am assuming that
> the firing rate of the spark gap is set much lower
> than the line frequency so
> that the effect of the ripple in the DC current can
> be ignored.
>  >From what I have read a larger cap in a properly
> designed Tesla
> coil will yield
> a higher voltage and thus possibly a longer spark.
> If I increase the cap while
> also suffering a decline in repetition rate will the
> sparks actually
> get longer?
>   Is a high rep rate necessary for long streamers?
> I have an old Xerox machine transformer, 13kVDC @
> 300uA.  With a 0.01uF cap
> charged to 6kV, the rep rate will be only about 5
> sparks per second.  Will this
> work?
> -