Original poster: "D.C. Cox" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>This is really a big myth that has lasted far too long. Consider a normal base that is 12-14 inches above a concrete floor. If the magnetic field had to reach up the coil it would also have to reach down into the concrete (magnetic fields are symmetrical).
The real action is such that the energy is coupled into the lowest turns of the coil and propogated upward, not direct coupled as there would be a big short draining power in the concrete or floor material.
Dr. Resonance
Original poster: FIFTYGUY@xxxxxxx Folks-Hasn't it been said that the inverted conical and helical primaries couple more to the upper parts of the secondary? If true, doesn't this affect the voltage distribution on the secondary? Wouldn't this, along with the geometry of the primary, change the secondary's capacitance?-Phil LaBudde