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RE: 37XR inductance range

Original poster: "Carl Litton" <Carl_Litton@xxxxxxxxxx>


Most inductance meters are not capable of accurately measuring the inductance of an iron frame inductor. The small (~5V) current they produce is not enough to fully magnetize the core and the reading will be low. These meters appear to be fine for air core inductors.

Another list member, Finn Hammer, recently pointed this out to me. The correct way to measure an iron core inductor is indirectly by observing the actual current flow. A Variac is connected across the inductor with an ammeter in series with the circuit and the voltage slowly increased to a value sufficient to fully magnetize the core. The current reading on the ammeter plus the voltage from the Variac is then used to calculate the inductance, using L=V/ùI (on 60 Hz circuits = Voltage divided by 377 times the current in Amps gives the inductance in Henries).

The core magnetization issue is probably at the root of your measurement inconsistencies.

Hope this helps.

Carl Litton
Memphis HV Group

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 11:07 AM
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: 37XR inductance range

Original poster: "MIKE HARDY" <MHARDY@xxxxxxxxxx>

I recently purchased the Meterman 37XR per the list members favorable
use. I was just measuring the inductance of my variable ballast, and
a few hig power isolation xfmr I have laying around. One measured 365
mh. When I changed ranges to henrys, it dramatically changed to
0.260H ! Does anyone else notice this vast discrepincy? Can I trust the meter?