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Re: Terry's New Plane Wave Antenna

Original poster: "Dmitry (father dest)" <dest@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> Original poster: Paul Nicholson <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Would not a negative space charge induce a positive charge
> on a nearby electrometer probe?

even if so - "Would not a negative space charge induce a positive
charge on a nearby" _objects_, so all the objects would be still
charged positive? :-D

> Or does the 610C take that into account, when it says
> 'Output polarity is not reversed' in

>   http://www.atecorp.com/Equipment/Keithley/610C.htm

it seems so, coz Hull have said once:

I got worried, so I charged a large sheet of mylar (from my disectable
capacitor demo) and approached the collector and yes, one side was
positive indicating, and the other side negative indicating, as read on
the Keithley (never trust an instrument to the exclusion of common
sense).  Thus, the Keithley doesn't appear to be in error."

but there is one more problem - Richard always told that he can`t
understand one thing:

"The charge is always positive. The voltage reading remains a
concundrum  It is always negative.  Often at 8 feet from the 30 watt
coil the voltage slams to minus 200 volts (limit of the Keithley in a
fraction of a second while the coulombmeter reading takes a few
seconds to climb to 10^-7 coulombs of collected positive charge on the
12 pf sphere.  I feel the latter may be related to the manner in which
the meter functions which I will seek to understand next, now that I
feel I know the absolute charge polarity.
I show all this in great detail on tape #55 where I verify the charge
polarity with a charged 18th century electroscope!  It agrees with the

how about this?

> Did Hull ensure that the Keithley front-end was not overloaded
> during the bang.   I have a homebrew electrometer which behaves
> that way - fine until you overload it momentarily, after which
> it retains a (in my case -ve) charge on the probe until you
> manually discharge it.

who knows - the info in the archives is organised just terribly - the
chronological order is mixed very often or even absent totally (how
about post from '95 in the end of '96? very funny ^___^), some
number of the posts is absent too - i can`t find them even in the
form of quotes, e.t.c.

> As regards Terry's E-field probe, the only thing wrong
> with it is the name.   Plane Wave?

but it`s not _field_ probe at all :-D

Let the bass kick! =:-D