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Re: Beryllium Oxide

Original poster: BunnyKiller <bunnikillr@xxxxxxx>

Hey Godfrey...

I deal with lasers and BeO2 is a substantial hazard... do not grind file or create any dust from the material containing BeO2 without very effective resporative protection ( basically full face sealed dual canister mask... and wash thouroughly afterwards to remove any dust that may be created and in contacy with you... yes its scarey it is that bad... just ask any machinist that has to deal with Be in its metal state and slivers that get stuck in the machinist) Have you seen the movie "Monsters" when the monster gets the sock stuck to him after coming from the kids room????? Its about the same senerio....
and you thought mercury was bad or even lead...beryllium is POTENT....
be careful...

if you dont break it to a point where dust is created no worry but no grinding please..
Scot D

and yall wonder why Im so weird  ;)   "I love the smell of BeO2 in the morning"

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: "Godfrey Loudner" <ggreen@xxxxxxxx>

I have two matching high voltage insulators about 5 inches tall with
shiny white ceramic between metallic bases and terminals. On the ceramic
material is printed beryllium oxide. I placed them in a plastic bag and
washed my hands. I don't intend to file or saw them. Are these
insulators a hazard to me?

Godfrey Loudner