Original poster: Greg Leyh <lod@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Gerry,
Some very interesting work in Part2. Was curious about your
simulation setup. Why did you settle on nine segments? It seems
like a reasonable number, just curious why you chose it. I tried
setting up a similiar problem in Simplorer, where I divided the sec
into twelve segments. I never managed to get the simulation to
produce a believable output waveform however, probably because I was
too lazy to develop a coupling coefficient for *every* combination
of segments and the primary; for simplicity I ignored any couplings
below about 0.05, thinking they contributed little to the total stored energy.
It's interesting that your results seem to correlate well with
actual observed racing arcs. I was also wondering if there's any
shortcuts to the n(n+1)/2 requirement for the numbers of k's in the problem.
In case you haven't already seen it, you might want to check out the
Tesla Secondary Simulation Project at:
An incredible amount of excellent work simulating the complex nature
of coupled secondaries has been carried out there.
Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi All,
I created a spice model of a distributed coupled secondary using the
coupling coefficients calculated by JavaTC. This model has
distributed coupling from the primary as well as the distributed
mutual coupling between segments of the secondary. I wrote up the
results and had Terry host it. The simulation results (using my
coil for the model) seem to predict where on the coil the racing arc
will breakout from and agrees with my observations.
Just before the conclusion, I stated why I thought the breakout went
to the top of the coil - an explaination that I now think is
wrong. I have since come up with a simplier explaination, so if
anyone wants it, I can email the updates to you. If a lot of
interest, maybe I can get Terry to rehost the document :o))
I also reposted the first part with some corrections:
Please look it over and comment. I think we will be able to predict
the worthiness of any new primary design.