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Re: bulkheads / baffles in secondaries

Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hey Bill,

I've only recently started with the baffle thing. In the past, I too have not had a reason (well, as far as I know. It would be cool to run a camera inside a coil just to see what if racing arcs occur that we simply don't notice). But anyway, It makes sense to keep a small center hole in the baffle (a small little air hole).

It's better to install the baffles before winding (simply due to handling of the coil during the process). Silicon has been used, but the type of silicon can certainly make a difference. Some silicones are very strong and tough. There is no reason to be neat with it's application (apply a large layer so that a larger area of the inner surface of the coil and baffle is adhered to, and this will help give a good seal from one side of the baffle to the other).

Really, it's easy. Cut acrylic or whatever material into the disc size (nice close tolerance preferred). Then slide in place and silicon one side. Let it set and do the other side. Pretty simple for the added security. If it were any harder, I probably wouldn't bother (speaking for myself).

On a similar thought, some may remember Robert Steven's coils. He used external baffles (acrylic creepage discs) which added a totally cool look to his coils!! Remember this pic ;}} See, there is more than one way to "skin a cat". Now, that might be quite a bit of work - um, maybe not!


Take care,

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: Gomez Addams <gomezaddams@xxxxxxxxx>

This is addressed to those who have experience installing internal
baffles or bulkheads in secondaries, for the purpose of preventing
internal creepage sparks (internal racing arcs):

I have never used internal baffles before, and have never seemed to
need them on any of the secondaries I've built.  (although once,
someone building secondaries for me for commercial sale at a company
I was consulting for had racing arc problems, but I soon discovered
they had decided to paint the secondary form with black paint "for
looks" before winding it!)

But now I am attempting to build one of the most robust, good- looking, and efficient / high-performing coils I've ever built,
taking into account all the new developments which have turned up
since I last built a coil, so I thought I'd go ahead and install
baffles just for the heck of it.  I seriously doubt they'll do any
harm, and if they'll make the secondary even more "mistake-resistant"
then I'm all for it.

So my main question is: do you typically install them while building
the form, with holes in the center of each baffle for your winder
shaft (assuming you use one), or do you wind the coil first, remove
the end plates, install solid baffles, and replace the end plates, or

Since I have a large enough lathe, I _could_ wind the form without a
shaft going all the way through, but I prefer to use a shaft to
provide support to the form.

Also, I'm thinking it would be smart to leave holes for ventilation
so things like glue fumes (after construction) and later, ozone, can
escape the interior, so perhaps baffles with center openings are best?


 - Bill Lemieux