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RE: Sold state IGBT disruptive coil spark gap idea
Original poster: "Lau, Gary" <Gary.Lau@xxxxxx>
As one who's never toyed with DRSSTC's, I have a dumb question that's
probably been discussed previously, but -
What is the performance-consequence to completely eliminating the
concept of quench, and permitting as many pri-sec trades as it wants?
Regards, Gary Lau
> Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi All,
> I was up late last night working on an idea for an IGBT replacement
> for a conventional coil spark gap. I woke right up at 2PM this
> afternoon (semi-retired people can do that :O))) and started getting
> some parts and wrote a paper up on it here:
> http://hot-streamer.com/temp/Sidac-Gap-1.pdf
> It is not super cheap, but not insanely expensive either. Might be
> great for lower voltage MOT systems with E-bay big IGBTs...
> There has been ZERO real testing so don't get over excited ;-))
> It basically uses IGBTs fired by strings of SIDACs. Each section
> should be fully independent and they can be put in series as needed
> for any voltage. One could "tap" the string for various power
> levels. Power losses seem very pleasant.
> It will take some real world testing to see if and how well it works,
> but the things seems sound. It is an easy and simple circuit that
> hopefully not much can go wrong with :o))
> Parts on order...
> Cheers,
> Terry