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Re: Physics of Wireless Transmission (Units)
Original poster: Mddeming@xxxxxxx
In a message dated 4/23/06 7:24:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
tesla@xxxxxxxxxx writes:
Original poster: "Godfrey Loudner" <ggreen@xxxxxxxx>
Hello Dave
The expression you refer to is I/(2 Pi epsilon c^2 R) where I is
current, epsilon is the permittivity of free space, c is the of the
speed of light, and R is distance. In the MKS system of units, I is
Ampere, epsilon is Coulomb^2/(Newton meter^2), c is meter/sec, and R is
meter. Now the dimension of (epsilon c^2 R) is (C^2/(N m^2))(m^2/s^2)m =
C^2 m/(N s^2). So the dimension of the expression is A N s^2/(C^2 m) =
(C/s)N s^2/(C^2 m) = s N/(C m) = N/[(C/s) m]
= N/(A m)= Tesla. Tesla is the unit for the magnetic field B. So there
is nothing wrong with the expression in the sense of units. BTW thanks
for an article that makes really good reading. I think there's enough
there to answer Gerry's question.
Hi Godfrey, Terry,
Congratulations on a clear derivation showing that what was
offered as a refutation actually supports mainstream science. I have
found that most attacks on the physics of the last hundred years are
based on fundamental misunderstandings, frequently by those whose
contempt of modern science is not the type bred of familiarity. Of
course, as we've seen many times in the past, no amount of proof will
dissuade a "True Tesla Believer" any more than all the billions of
years of physical proof in the universe will convince a
Fundamentalist of evolution.
Paul Nicholson has such a neat way of pointing out the silliness
with clarity, tact, and dignity, while I favor the meat-axe.
Matt D.