From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Question on Variac lighting
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:34:14 -0600
Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi JT,
I wouldn't necessarily be concerned about that. A lot depends on
where your tank capacitance is relative to the resonant
value. With the smaller cap, you may have been closer to resonance
and the resonant rise could have been large enough to fire the gap
with a 30% variac setting. Let us know what transformer you are
using and the type of spark gap (static or rotary) and we can help
with the Cp value. If static, you should try to get about 1.5 to
1.6 * Cres. This will help keep resonant rise down and give you a
BPS around 120.
Gerry R
Original poster: "JT Bowles" <jasotb@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I had a 7.4(about) nF MMC in my tesla coil. The spark gap would
light at about 25% on my variac.
After some issues, I now have a 10 nF MMC. But now, my spark gap
lights at 55%! I have lost much, much control of power of my coil.
*Before 55% on the variac, i can clearly hear hissing and high
voltage corona coming from the coil, but in pitch dark, i see NO
sources for the sound
*Coil starts up at 55% power.
Can somebody help me. I want to regain the ability to controll the
coil. Any suggestions or solutions?
Please respond ASAP. I am using my coil for my "Senior Success
Seminar" for my high school(need to pass to graduate)