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Re: question on safety

Original poster: "Mike" <mike.marcum@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Odds are it will kill you. The 30mA figure doesn't apply when it's used to charge a capacitor, you then take the discharge current of the cap, which can be 100A even on small coils. Bad to touch the primary, even worse to stick your finger in the gap where there's only primary inductance to limit the current. If it doesn't kill it will probably vaporize chunks off your finger.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:38 PM
Subject: question on safety

Original poster: "Michael Ong" <omenowner725@xxxxxxxxxxx>

hello, today i was presenting my tesla coil for my school project, and i got asked if it was fatal to touch the spark gap or charged caps. I honestly didn't know the answer to this question and was wondering if anyone could answer it for me. my coil runs at 8kv 30ma with a cap size of .01uf and i have always just assumed it was unsafe to touch and in any case will give you a burn, who cares if it will kill you. the chart on my class room says that 30ma is close to "possibly" fatal, but it seems like there are a lot of factors like the voltage, the path it takes through your body, your body resistance at the time, and the climate conditions that plan key roles. anyways i was wondering if there was an easy answer to this question of how many amps/volts will kill you or if there are just too many factors that are undetermined to correctly give an answer. thanks again for the help