Original poster: "Jon Danniken" <danniken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Gerry,
Might I suggest compressing the size of your photos and reducing their size?
They would load a lot faster and be easier to view that way.
I usually try to get pictures under 100k bytes in size for the web, which
works fine for on-screen viewing at 640x480 or maybe 800x600 at the most.
Anyway, just something to consider; you might find you get more viewership
if you make them more accesible this way.
> Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Now for the pictures:
> Go the the directory for the 15KV_120ma coil.
> There are pictures of the toroid during each stage of construction
> and the other components of my coil. There are also pictures of the
> coil in operation both with a breakout point and ground target, and
> with no breakout point. The longest power arc was 86 inches and the
> wall power was 2100 watts. Exposures are 4 seconds at ISO of 400,
> 800, and 1600. The picture names make a story board sorta and are
> numbered in chronological order. Enjoy.
> Gerry R.