Original poster: "David Rieben" <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Yes, I would also have to agree with Colin's sentiments.
I saw it on TV and thought "What a crock of crap!" And
at the end when Criss was talking all of the crap about
wanting to go to central Florida (the lightning capital)
and take on an actual lightning strike the same way in
which he took the strikes from DC's "Big Bruiser" - come
on, surely the general American public isn't that stupid!!
That's like taking a hit from a toy BB gun and then saying
your ready to take on a hit from a 155 mm Howitzer ;^0
No offense to DC's coil but even the output of the largest
coils quite pale in comparison to the energy and power
of a single bolt of lightning. And Criss couldn't even run
DC's coil but at 1/4 power and yet he's wanting to take
on a real lightning bolt -- yea, right!