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Journal abbreviation ???
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Journal abbreviation ???
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:52:09 -0600
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Original poster: "Denicolai, Marco" <Marco.Denicolai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello all,
I'm looking for two publications:
1. Badaloni S, Gallimberti I
"The inception mechanism of the first corona in nonuniform gaps"
Report UPee 72/03, Universita di Padova
2. Gallimberti I, Goldin M and Poli E 1982
"Field calculations for modelling long sparks"
Report UPee 82/07, Universita di Padova
Now, anybody knows what that "UPee" stands for?
Or anybody who has those papers (even better)?
I can ensure you that also at the University of Padova they are
wondering what that "UPee" stands for (I called them)...
Thanks for your help
P.S. I'm building a Matlab discharge model based on existing
publications (I'm not inventing anything). It still takes an incredible
amount of time and effort... :)