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Re: Base current......Re: Tesla Coil RF Transmitter

Original poster: "Dmitry (father dest)" <dest@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello Dan.

> Original poster: "Dan" <DUllfig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> well, let me tell you: if you read Tesla's deposition when he was
> being sued by the Marconi corporation, Tesla clearly states that for
> "power transmission" he would run his coil in undamped wave mode,
> without streamers!

has i ever said that my values are for the case with a streamers
present? not at all.

> PS.: by the way, are those figures calculated by software, or actual
> measurements?

calculated by software, which is based on the measuring results of
many real coils :


> the figures could be the result of incorrect modeling
> of the software, like if it was treating the circuit as a lumped
> element circuit, instead of a resonant one.

impossible. read this first:

"Examples of voltage and current distribution profiles for Tesla
secondary coils.

Example 8: Typical coil with toroid

The transimpedance is 43K ohms, much higher than the 29K predicted by
a cosine current profile, and almost equal to the _uniform current_
value of 45K ohms."

you may read this if you would be interested in future:


btw - here are charts for my coil:


i think that "peaks" are present only at inefficient coil, with a
funny small toroid, or even without one :-)))