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Re: Introduction

Original poster: robert heidlebaugh <rheidlebaugh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Mills... When I did a similar error I couldn't walk well for 3 days. Healing
takes time
   Robert   H

> From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 09:08:10 -0600
> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: Introduction
> Resent-From: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Resent-Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 09:10:03 -0600 (MDT)
> Original poster: "Mark W. Stolz" <mark_w_stolz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Original poster: "miles waldron" <mileswaldron@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> <snip>
>> I found myself backwards on the floor, unable to move, breathe, or see. I
>> just thanked God that I was alive; eventually I got back up from the floor,
> There yaa go, giving credit where it is do
>> and went to work the next day and pretended like nothing happened. It did
>> not work. My heart still hurts faintly and I have definitely damaged the
>> ligaments, tendons, and maybe the bones in my shoulders and back. Later, my
>> wife made me go see a doctor, who did an EKG, and sent me to a hand surgeon.
>> I can not express the absolute respect that I have for electric current.
> <snip>
> As a friend of ine says..."There are two kinds of electricians, there
> are bold electricians and there are old electricians, but there are
> no old bold electricians."
> Glad you're still here Miles.
> Mark Stolz
> http://teslacoils4christ.org/
>> I have my first coil up and sort of running and I am very excited and
>> overjoyed. I am getting around two foot long, very fractal, deep blue
>> "upside down trees" from a 4-inch sphere. However, I seem to keep killing
>> NSTs. I have RF chokes and a safety gap before my NST bank. Someone has
>> informed me there is a construction called the "Terry Filter" that can help
>> me.
>> May I ask where I might find more information? Google does not turn anything
>> up.
>> Please advise.
>> Sincerely,
>> Miles Waldron
>> Atlanta GA,
>> Computer Programmer - Electrical Engineer - HV Enthusiast - Q3Arena Player