Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Take care, Bart
Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Mark, and DC,
Certainly with pigs, one tends to drive a larger Cp, and if the secondary doesn't change, this would require a smaller Lp. Therefore the peak current goes up. However, I see no reason why a MMC can not be designed to handle the larger currents (just no more than 400+ amps per string using the 0.15uf caps. One can also increase the topload to allow a larger Lp.
Gerry R.
Original poster: "Mark W. Stolz" <mark_w_stolz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I would have to disagree. The 10kVA coil we recently built uses a .130 nF MMC and has had no problems, even with several minute runs.
Mark Stolz http://teslacoils4christ.org/
Original poster: "D.C. Cox" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>
Don't use with pigs. With a .05 uF Maxwell cap on a pig powered coil we measured 2,300 Apms peak on pri ---- too much for MMCs.
Dr. Resonance