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- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: SIBNIIE
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 12:12:39 -0600
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- Resent-date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 12:10:41 -0600 (MDT)
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Original poster: "Dmitry (father dest)" <dest@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello Boris.
> Original poster: boris petkovic <petkovic7@xxxxxxxxx>
> > my boss told he would kill me, but here`re the scans
> > from that journal:
> >
> > http://storm.prohosting.com/desthv/sibniie/el_11/
> >
> -----
> Thank you Dmitry.
> I read russian very poorly but what I can understand
> from the articles is that the famous spark exceeded
> 150 m point-to-point lenght with pulse amplitude
> V=4.8...5 MV,and appropriately shaped pulse lasting
> for Tp=20 ms or thereabout?
as far as _i_ understood it`s written the following here:
"erected" capacitance - 50nF, pulse rise time - 150 us, pulse duration
- 10 ms, pulse amplitude - 5MV. the spark stroke the phase wire,
distance from which till the marx is 70m in straight, the length of a
spark channel was 150m. charactersitics of the obtained spark were in
the lower limit of descending lightning leader [...] interleaving of
the stages was regularly seen, their number was up to 50. the length
of each stage was about 3.5m at 20us."
> And the third article shows that 200 m gap can be
> closed by V=5.2 MV ?
yes, but:
"for maintaining of trajectory a "guide rail" was used - a metallic pipes
(approx. 10cm in length, spaced with 2-3m), secured at insulating
rope. this method was chosen according to the nature of the negative
discharge, it hasn`t changed qualitatively its phenomenology, and
characteristics of charge and speed."