Original poster: "D.C. Cox" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>
Were you spark this in single shot pulse mode?
Were you using a well rounded ground electrode with a dia. of at
least 8 inches in dia?
If you answer to no to both of these questions the measurement was invalid.
Most people forget to use a well rounded ground electrode of approx
1/3rd the dia. of the main terminal. This, along with single shot
mode to prevent excessive ions and spark "growth" invalidate this
test procedure.
Also, use either the inductance ratio or capacitance ratio equations
to validate your tests. Be sure to take on 70% of this value.
These tests are in almost exact agreement with Terry's planar
antenna measrement --- which he loaned me for comparison testing.
Dr. Resonance
Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Dr R.
I dont think even a single shot measurement can be used to estimate
the top potential. When my coil was at 1KW with a 6x24 toroid on
it, I got a single shot of 18 inches. This would translate to
1.2MV. The initial breakout voltage of the toroid of that size is
500KV. I think the 26.5KV/cm can only be used to estimate
potential if the field is uniform and it clearly isn't for these geometries.