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Re: Current Limiting and Impedence

Original poster: BunnyKiller <bunikllr@xxxxxxx>


lets try this the easy way...

first off consider the maximum current you need to draw a # 10 AWG can carry 20 amps for example.... next, core size of the E core center leg... standard silicon steel 3.25 amps per sqr inch area for minimal saturation .... so for example 25sqr inch core center leg is good for 75 A of current with no saturation with 3 wires of #10 in paralell ( 60 amps continious power) at 200 turns average on the core will give 1.2 sum odd volts per turn... no problem... use these numbers judicisiously... no over heating, no bucking, but be aware of gap settings of the E I core gap change the gap settings and the "inductance/resitance" of the core changes but thats the kewl part of it... and it left up to you as a learning experiment... apply 120VAC to your inductor along with a amp meter... vary the voltage with a variac and record the amp draw ... estimate the current/voltage records and you will discover the "average" resistance of the inductor...
pretty kewl stuff ...

Scot D

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: "Mark Dunn" <mdunn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

My gapped MOT worked great as a current limiter for my MOT based power supply. I ended up with 60Turns and a gap of .036". This gave me an L = ~5 mH. The Inductor voltage drop was 30 volts and a current of 16.7 amps.

In analyzing the math I still get messed up in the permeability.  I was
hoping someone would clarify for me from my earlier posts.  I think the
permeability subscripts are not universal so bear with me and lets go
through the math.  Then we can discuss something extremely
interesting(to me anyway) after we are all on the same page and we
clarify any math errors that I make.

First, lets consider an inductor where we know the characteristics of
the core from the mfg(Note-since I salvage everything I can't do it this
way and that's where it gets interesting).  Note: Terms were defined in
5/11/05 1:05 PM Post.

So we have a core and we know from the Mfg:
Ve(mm^3), Ae(mm^2), Le(mm)
C(mm^-1) = ~ Le/Ae(This will be used later).
Inductance Factor - AL(nH)
Initial Permeability - Ui(dimensionless, relative to Uo)

Uo = 4*Pi*10^-7 H/m (Magnetic Constant)

Let's propose a # turns N for the coil.

Then the Inductance with NO Gap is  L = AL * N^2 * 10^-9 H  (equ 1)

The Core Flux Density is B = Vp*10^6/(4.44*Ae*N*F) Tesla  (equ 2)
(Note: sine wave formula for B)
Vp = Peak Voltage(volts)
F =  Freqency(Hz)
Compare B to Bpk and Bsat limits to be sure not saturated.
(Note: We get Bpk and Bsat from the characteristics of the core
material-again data from the mfg)

The Magnetic Field Strength is H=(10^3)*I*N*1.414/Le A/m  (equ 3)
I = Current(amps) Should this be peak current???

Absolute Permeability required U = B/H Henries/meter

Relative Permeabilty required Ur=U/Uo
(is this also called Equivelent Permeability Ue??)

So then the required Gap can be computed as:

Total Gap = G = ((Ui/Ur-1)Le/Ui)/25.4 inches     (equ 4)
So the Spacer would be 1/2 of this Gap.

Pls comment on this math as if it is not correct then everything from
her on is garbage.

So now consider the case of a salvaged core with no know properties.
We can physically measure the core to get Ve, Ae, Le and compute
C = Le/Ae.

We can make a coil with a given number of turns and apply a series of
voltages(V) and measure current(I) with NO GAP.  The we can compute Z =
V/I for this set of data.  Z should be constant if we are not
Then L = Z/(2*Pi*F) Henries (Assume R (Ohms) is negligible.
So then working backwards we get:
AL = L/(10^-9 * N^2) nH
For my MOT core I computed AL = 10,500 nH(can anyone else confirm?) from
my testing.
So then I computed B & H from the data and subsequently U and Ur.
Ur = 800 for my un-gapped case(Seems kinda low?)
So in theory Ui = Ur(no Gap) = 800 (Is this right?)

Now I can repeat the tests for a gapped core.  I know AL already from
the un-gapped case.

This is where things get interesting.  From the test data I can compute
B and H and subsequently U & Ur for each case.  I know the Gap that I
used so if we re-arrange equation #4 above we get:

(Note: G is total gap - 2 X spacer)

Upon tabulating the data I get Ui ranging from -1700 to 22000.  I have
about 30 data points.  A few of the data point give a Ui = ~ 800(Recall
that is what I got for the un-gapped core).

It appears that Ui is extremely sensitive to small measurement errors in
the data and that this renders this method somewhat useless.

Interestingly, somewhere I picked up a formula that the permeablity of
an ungapped core is:
Ur = AL x C/Uo = ~AL*Le/(Ae*Uo)
Anybody know if this is true and how it is derived.  It does work out to
~800 for this case.

Did anyone follow all this?
Comments please.
